This document outlines NDI's programmatic approaches to addressing the threat of disinformation in the electoral context, particularly the actions citizen election observers and international observers can take to mitigate, expose, and counter disinformation. It also stresses the importance of using open election data to deter disinformation and advocacy around norms and standards to counter disinformation. 

Direct communication with citizens is key for elected officials to effectively represent and respond to their constituents’ needs in the legislature. This quick guide provides tips and tools to help parliamentarians enhance their constituency outreach efforts for more responsive and inclusive governance. Included in the guide is an overview for how to set up a constituency outreach office, guidelines for conducting outreach and policy discussions, and case studies from NDI-Iraq’s Constituency Outreach Program.

The Youth Leading Debate Program Manual provides guidance for implementing a youth debate program. The manual draws on lessons learned from implementing a debate program for politically active young people in Guatemala, as well as NDI youth debate programs in Jordan and Moldova.

The Win With Women Political Party Assessment (WWW Assessment) is an initiative designed to help political parties become more inclusive and representative through an assessment that gauges men and women's perceptions of women in leadership, the types of social norms held by members of parties, and the individual, institutional and socio-cultural barriers to gender equality.

Whether you are first-time activist, an individual with a project idea, or part of an established organization, this toolkit, Community Driven Reconciliation: A Gender-Sensitive Toolkit for Peace Activists, is designed to provide peace activists with practical steps to transform and mitigate conflict and support them as they assume a more central peacebuilding role in their community. The toolkit presents transferable and adaptable tactics and techniques successfully applied in real conflict transformation processes.

Change My Community contains tools and guidance for young people to lead local-level, grassroots advocacy campaigns. This practical tool, which NDI developed in cooperation with the University of Kansas, contains links to the Community Tool Box, which is a free, online resource for those working to build healthier communities and bring about social change.


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