The lead trainers for the MENA Regional Campaign Schools, Shannon O’Connell and Abdul Salam Medeni, have come together to co-author this manual – a step-by-step guide to designing, preparing, conducting and evaluating a successful training program. A Trainer’s Guide: How to Design and Deliver Training with Impact focuses solely on the basic principles that a trainer should follow in order to gain the best possible outcomes from a training he or she delivers.

Nonpartisan citizen election observation organizations around the world have made great strides in monitoring and mitigating electoral related violence, though in many countries groups have only recently begun such efforts. It is important to develop and systematize methodologies in this field. This new manual published by NDI draws on lessons shared by nonpartisan citizen election monitoring groups at several NDI-facilitated events and workshops addressing electoral violence monitoring and mitigation.

The Will, Space, Capacity Toolkit provides a structured approach for examining what drives political party behavior:
  • Political space: the environment in which political parties operate and how they interact with it;

  • Political will: the incentives that influence political parties and the individual actors within them; and

This guidebook describes how to use IT in order to effectively engage young people in civic and political activities. In addition to describing IT tools and their specific uses, the guide also includes important strategic tips, a glossary of technology terms, and case studies of effective campaigns.

استخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات استراتيجياً لإشراك الشباب في المواطنة العالمية

الناشر: إعداد سيفاكور أشياغبور - منشورات المجلس الكندي للتعاون الدولي.

Regardless of ideology, location or size, political parties seeking to make their practices more inclusive and to institutionalize their operations will benefit from this manual, which assembles the best practices of a range of established and broadly democratic political parties.

المعايير الدنيا لعمل الأحزاب السياسية الديمقراطي

الناشر: منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.

This guidebook aims to help young women with all aspects of leadership, from balancing personal and professional responsibilities to planning and implementing advocacy projects. The guidebook is designed as a workbook rather than a textbook, with charts and exercises for readers to chart their progress. It also includes a section on how to use new media tools and social networking sites effectively.


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