NDI’s Arabic Publication Center in Beirut first published an English-Arabic Translator’s Guide to Election Terminology in 2005. With 200 additional entries and a new Arabic-English feature, this revised and updated publication of the Guide has left few stones unturned. Even the most obscure expressions have been discussed and definitions have been attempted.

المصطلحات الانتخابية: دليل المترجم للمصطلحات والعبارات الشائعة

الناشر:منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.

Nigeria: CSO Network and Dialogue on Electoral Reform | April 2, 2009

Daily Trust | Link to story  »

In the past two weeks, we witnessed two events that provided a ray of hope for civil society organisations (CSOs) working in democracy and governance in the country. … The first of these events was a one day sensitization workshop on the National Assembly Legislative Process organised by the National Democratic Institute NDI at the NICON Luxury Hotel Abuja on March 19.


NDI warns against 'unilateral electoral process' in Mauritania | March 20, 2009

Afrique en ligne | Link to story  »

Nouakchott, Mauritania - The regional director and program manager of the US National Democratic Institute (NDI) to the Middle East and the Maghreb, Leslie Campbell, has warned the Mauritania junta against embarking on a unilateral electoral process in the contest of the forthcoming presidential election in the African nation.


Tide Turns in El Salvador with FMLN Win | March 10, 2009

Americas Society | Link to story  »

Salvadorans headed to the polls on March 15, electing Mauricio Funes as their next president and ending the long hold on power of the ruling party. Voters had to choose between the governing Alianza Republicana Nacionalista (ARENA) party candidate Rodrigo Ávila and Funes of the opposition Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN). Funes could claim over 51 percent of the vote with 90 percent of ballots counted.



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