Voter Enthusiasm Still Strong | Dec. 27, 2011

Tuscon Citizen | Link to story  »

Voting in region two of Egypt’s People’s Assembly elections showed continued enthusiasm on the part of Egyptians to exercise their right to select the candidates and parties of their choice in the country’s first open parliamentary elections, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) said in a statement released here today.


The Botched Ballot | Dec. 16, 2011

Foreign Policy | Link to story  »

Elections are not just exercises in determining political majorities. "They're also a way to gauge how people are treated in society," says Ken Wollack, president of the National Democratic Institute. "Every institution in the country -- government, parties, the press, the judiciary, the military, police -- are working at the same time." That's why rigged elections can prove to be such electrifying, unifying events.


Morocco Turns 'Arab Spring' Challenges into Opportunity for Reform | Dec. 8, 2011

PR Newswire | Link to story  »

Today, a panel of foreign policy experts and former U.S. diplomats in Washington, D.C. discussed Morocco's recent elections and the challenges that lie ahead for the ongoing reform process.


Kinshasa Tense Ahead of DRC Vote Result | Dec. 6, 2011

Al Jazeera | Link to story  »

The winner of last week's presidential election in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is due to be named on Tuesday, stirring fears of new unrest in the conflict-prone country.

"No one I have spoken to, from any party has expressed any desire for violence, and the onset of violence would mean that talks have broken down," Anita Vandenveld, NDI country director.


Egyptians Await Poll Results, Islamists See Gains | Dec. 1, 2011

Reuters | Link to story  »

Egyptians will hear results of their first free election in six decades on Thursday, with the Muslim Brotherhood expecting to pick up two-fifths of the vote for an assembly that might limit the power of the generals.


Millions Embrace Egypt's 'Imperfect Democracy' | Nov. 30, 2011

Sydney Morning Herald | Link to story  »

A YEAR ago, Egyptians went to the polls in a parliamentary election they knew was rigged from the start. Voter turnout was 15 per cent, polling booths were empty and Egyptian society barely skipped a beat.



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