Libya Looks Cautiously Toward Elections | Nov. 11, 2011

Washington Post | Link to story  »

In an improvised office daubed with revolutionary slogans, part of an appropriated complex in Tripoli that once housed Moammar Gaddafi’s cronies, rebel commander Muhammad Zintani contemplated his future.


4000 Observers Accredited | Nov. 8, 2011

Au Fait Maroc | Link to story  »

La liste définitive des organisations nationales et internationales accréditées pour superviser les élections législatives du 25 novembre vient d'être arrêtée. Elle comprend au total 16 instances, qui vont mandater environ 4000 observateurs, a indiqué le Conseil national des droits de l'Homme (CNDH) sur son site Internet.


Women Win Big in Tunisia Vote | Nov. 5, 2011

Miller-McCune | Link to story  »

Post-dictatorship Tunisia’s recent election for assembly benefitted women and showed the power of technology. With Tunisia’s ballot boxes closed but not stuffed, the real political winners in the country’s first free election are women.


In Tunisia, Elections Lead the Way for the Region | Nov. 4, 2011

The Yale Globalist | Link to story  »

On October 24th, Tunisian voters waited for up to six hours for the chance to exercise their right to vote and elect a new constituent assembly.


Parties Sign Open and Safe Elections Pledge | Nov. 3, 2011

Awoko | Link to story  »

Four Political Parties: All Peoples’ Congress (APC), Sierra Leone Peoples’ Party (SLPP), People’s Movement for Democratic Change (PMDC) and the National Democratic Alliance (NDA), yesterday signed an open and safe elections pledge in Freetown.


Arrival of Ballot Boxes in DR Congo Raise Hopes for November Elections | Nov. 2, 2011

Channels | Link to story  »

Former US ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson who is in the country at the invitation of the NGO National Democratic Institute to discuss plans for preventing election-related violence said Congo is capable of staging free and fair election, according to Reuters.



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