The Real Success in the Tunisian Elections is an Authentic, Democratic Process | Oct. 28, 2011

Seattle Times | Link to story  »

Tunisia, a country that had never experienced democracy, held a successful election last week. This was the first election of the Arab Spring, and the first in an Arab country where the outcome was unknown and the electoral system not predisposed to shaping the outcome. Why did the election work so well?


Tunisia's election sets high bar for Arab Spring | Oct. 26, 2011

Associated Press | Link to story  »

No matter what the results, Tunisia's landmark election was a monumental achievement in democracy that will be a tough act to follow in elections next month in Egypt and Morocco — and later, in Libya.


Kenya: Lessons From Norway Elections | Oct. 25, 2011 | Link to story  »

During a recent training trip for Kenyan political parties in Oslo, Norway sponsored by the National Democratic Institute, we got a first hand feel of open democracy as practised by the Norwegians. The purpose of this trip was to enhance party democracy and how it can positively impact on the national political psyche.

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Tunisia’s Election Results | Oct. 25, 2011

CNN | Link to story  »

While the National Democratic Institute (NDI) recorded some challenges with voter registration and the tabulation of results, observers are generally impressed with the legitimacy and fairness of the elections. Ninety percent of 4.1 million registered voters cast ballots on Sunday, a high turnout by global standards.



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