Egypt Calm on Second Day of Polling | Nov. 29, 2011

Reuters | Link to story  »

Egyptians have voted for a second day in a parliamentary election that Islamists hope will sweep them closer to power, even though the army generals who took over from Hosni Mubarak have yet to step aside.

Les Campbell, a spokesman for the Washington-based National Democratic Institute, one of many groups monitoring the election, says it was "a fair guess" that turnout would exceed 50 per cent


DR Congo Poll Amid Delays and Violence | Nov. 28, 2011

PRI's The World | Link to story  »

Voters in Democratic Republic of Congo went to the polls today in the central African country’s second election after more than four decades of dictatorship and a series of wars that left millions dead.

“This is a difficult country to hold elections,” said Anita Vandenbeld, the Congo country director for the National Democratic Institute, which has been working with political parties here.


Egypt Votes In First Post-Mubarak Elections | Nov. 28, 2011

The Daily Beast | Link to story  »

Last night in Cairo, voters were tense ahead of the first round of Egypt’s long-awaited parliamentary elections. Hundreds of protesters huddled in the rain between Cairo’s Parliament and Cabinet building, part of a three-day-old gathering that could be considered the radical little sister of the ongoing demonstration in Tahrir Square.



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