16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

November 25th is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. This marks the first day of the annual 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, which will run through Human Rights Day on December 10. 

This day has historical significance, with its origins in an act of violence against women in politics. On November 25, 1960, Patria, Minerva, and Maria Teresa Mirabal, three sisters who organized the movement opposing the Trujillo dictatorship in the Dominican Republic, were murdered by the regime. International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women was named in honor of the Mirabal sisters, symbols of democratic and feminist resistance, and now serves as the kickoff for the 16 Days of Activism each year.

This year, UNWomen reminds us that there is #NoExcuse for violence against women and girls. Nearly one in three women experience violence in their lifetime - and we know that politically active women are at heightened risk of experiencing both online and offline violence.

NDI’s 16 Days of Activism campaign will highlight our ongoing commitment to ending violence against women in politics (VAW-P) and technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV), and emphasizing that threats and experiences of violence are #NotTheCost of being a politically active woman. 

Over the next 16 Days, the Gender, Women, and Democracy (GWD) team will be sharing data, resources, and toolkits on preventing and addressing VAW-P. Read more below about opportunities for engagement:

Social Media

On X (formerly Twitter), both GWD (@NDIWomen) and NDI (@NDI) will be sharing data and resources to help you better understand and prevent VAW-P and TFGBV.

Please take a moment to amplify or share your own content during the campaign, using the hashtags #NotTheCost (including #NoEsElCosto) and #16DaysofActivism, and tagging @NDIWomen and @NDI. 

New Resource Launch: Shadow Reporting to the UN CEDAW Committee on VAW-P

Routinized, global reporting on VAW-P was identified as a core goal of the Institute’s #NotTheCost initiative, and NDI is excited to close out our #16DaysofActivism campaign with the official publication of our reporting template and corresponding guidance note on CSO submissions of VAW-P shadow reports to the UN CEDAW Committee. Keep an eye out for more information and the official publication on December 9th.

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