About NDI

Working for Democracy, Making Democracy Work


Strengthening democracy in more than 156 countries around the globe.

NDI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization helping people choose freedom across the globe. We believe that free people who have a say in how they’re governed, and leaders who are responsive and accountable to their people, build the strongest foundation for stability, peace and shared prosperity.

For over four decades, NDI and our local partners in over 150 countries have unleashed the power of people who do the work of democracy in community groups, political parties, parliaments, and governments. NDI provides guidance, collaboration, tools, and training that have proven to be effective in:

  • Empowering people to have a say in how they’re governed.
  • Making democracy work by helping political parties, governments and elected officials be more responsive, accountable and effective in meeting the needs of their people.
  • Strengthening democratic societies by supporting freedom’s advocates and pushing back on forces that seek to undermine freedom around the world.

NDI’s work reduces conflict, advances peace and security, and counters threats from violent extremists and other adversaries. We strengthen freedom, elevate the voice of people, and unleash their power to make their own government work for them. 

Our People

Tamara headshot

Meet our HQ Leadership

Information on the Institute’s senior staff, including department heads and deputy directors.

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Meet our Board of Directors

NDI's board of directors consists of a diverse group of leaders from a wide array of backgrounds.

NDI Supporters

NDI is proud to receive support and advice from retired US ambassadors who have witnessed the value of NDI's work in their diplomatic careers. 

Our Impact

The defining issue of the 21st century is the fight between democracy and authoritarianism. The work NDI does has never been more important or in demand than at this moment in time.”

-Tom Daschle, Board of Directors Chair

NDI Honors

Leadership in Democracy Award

Recognizing individuals and organizations from around the world that have carried out NDI's mission.

The Madeleine K. Albright Democracy Award

Presented to individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to democracy and human rights.

Andi Parhamovich

The Andi Parhamovich Fellowship

A fellowship for young women seeking to participate more fully in the politics of their countries, established in honor of former NDI staff member Andi Parhamovich.

Work with NDI

Our team is working for democracy, and making democracy work.

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Freedom works.
Join the movement.

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