2021 Madeleine K. Albright Celebration for Women Risk-takers
NDI expresses its gratitude to the sponsors whose generosity has made the Madeleine K. Albright Celebration of Risk-takers for Women’s Empowerment event possible:
Global Leader
Lynda Thomas and Family
Maureen White and Steven Rattner
Rob and Debra Kraft Liberatore
Bernard Aronson, Former U.S. Special Envoy to the Colombian Peace Process
Hattie Babbitt
The Honorable Elizabeth Frawley Bagley
The Honorable Thomas Daschle and Linda Daschle
The Craig and Kathryn Hall Foundation
Eric and Sharapat Kessler
Governor Jim Blanchard and Janet Blanchard
Paul Boskind, Equal Voices Co-Founder and NDI Board Member
The Honorable Robin C. Carnahan
Frank M. Conner III and Cynthia H. Conner
The Honorable Laurie S. Fulton
Harman Family Foundation
Ambassador Karl F. Inderfurth
International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers and the International Masonry Institute
The Honorable Barbara A. Mikulski (Ret.)
Nancy and Miles Rubin
Toni G. Verstandig
With Honor Action
Tamara Cofman Wittes
LuAnn Bennett
Annette Blum
Suzy George and Nate Tibbits
Sarah McCarthey
James C. O’Brien
Smash Strategies
Elizabeth and Stephen Whisnant