Overview of Brazil Case Study

Brazil Case SudyLast updated on December 17, 2013

IFES and NDI conducted a case study of Brazil to examine the country’s experience and lessons learned from the use of electronic counting technologies in its elections since 1996. Brazil began the process of transitioning to electronic voting after the 1994 general election, and the Brazilian experience since then has been characterized by a rapid transition to universal electronic voting by the 2000 election for approximately 100 million voters. One of the chief characteristics of the Brazilian move toward electronic voting has been the large role played by the Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) – the institution responsible for managing elections, advocating for and implementing electronic voting – and the relatively little role played by civil society and oversight groups, until recently. One of the implications of this development for electronic voting in Brazil is the balance between implementation and oversight, and how this balance has been challenged in recent years through greater calls for transparency and oversight by civil society actors.


Brazil: Decision Making Process on Electronic Voting

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