Evaluation of E-voting in Norway

Last updated on December 17, 2013

Following the 2011 trials of Internet voting in 10 of Norway’s 429 municipalities, authorities contracted two research centers and IFES to carry out a thorough evaluation of the system. The evaluation used both qualitative and quantitative research methods, including questionnaire surveys in the trial municipalities, in-depth interviews with selected groups, focus groups for young people and observation studies of user-friendliness for voters with disabilities.

  • The evaluation sought to assess the project in the following seven areas:
  • Availability and accessibility
  • Trust and credibility
  • Secrecy of voting (e.g., family voting, undue influence)
  • Efficient counting of votes/fast electoral results
  • Participation and turnout
  • International experience with e-voting
  • Compliance with international standards

The evaluation reports are available on the website of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development at: www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/krd/prosjekter/e-vote-2011-project/evaluations-of-the-e-voting-trials/evaluation-of-the-e-voting-trials-in-201.html?id=684642

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