Key Considerations: Pilot Projects

Last updated on December 17, 2013

For Implementing Bodies 

  • Has it been made clear which institution is responsible for implementing the pilot projects?
  • Are sufficient financial and human resources available to implement the pilot project?
  • Does the mandate of the pilot project define the technologies to be piloted, the scale and locations of the pilot, the kind of pilot to be conducted (i.e. in an actual election, or in parallel to an actual election, or for a mock election), and the issues to be addressed and evaluative criteria to be utilized?
  • Is the timeline for the pilot realistic?
  • Has a detailed specification for the procurement of the technology been made for use in the pilot projects?
  • Does the legal framework permit piloting of electronic voting and counting technologies, or are legislative amendments needed to enable the conduct of pilot projects? 
  • Does the pilot project test and challenge the assumptions about the operation challenges of implementing electronic voting or counting technologies, the expected benefits or costs, and the way in which voters, election administrators, political parties and observers interact with and experience the new system?
  • Has an evaluation plan been developed for the pilot projects, and are the outputs of the pilot project clearly defined?

For Oversight Actors

  • Is the process of procuring the pilot technology open and impartial to all vendors?
  • Does the EMB provide periodic public updates and consultations related to the development and procurement of the pilot technology?
  • Are voters aware of the existence of and rationale behind the pilot?
  • Are stakeholders, including observer groups, political actors and voters, permitted and encouraged to observe the pilot process, and are they invited to provide feedback on the piloted technologies during the evaluation process?
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