Key Considerations: Recruitment and Training of Personnel

Last updated on December 17, 2013

For Implementing Bodies 

  • Has an analysis of the staffing needs associated with the project been conducted at both national as well as the regional, local, and polling station levels for staffing needs?
  • Are levels of access to systems appropriately defined for external technicians that may be hired to assist in the process?
  • Is training for personnel at all levels based on cooperation with the equipment supplier in order to develop in-house capacity to conduct trainings?
  • Does the process include a training of trainers to build internal capacity?

For Oversight Actors

  • Is the EMB staffing plan adequate for successfully implementing electronic voting and counting technologies, and are staffing plans made available to oversight actors?
  • If outside technicians or consultants are involved, are their roles clearly defined and transparent? 
  • Do election officials, including at the polling station level, have sufficient understanding of the technologies, allowing them to clearly explain the voting and counting process to voters?
  • Does the EMB have a long-term goal and plan to self-administer all aspects of electronic voting and counting in future elections?
  • Do oversight actors, including parties and observer groups, have access to EMB trainings and training materials, allowing them to assess the adequacy of training, provide recommendations and build their own understanding of the technologies?
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