Latin America Regional Programs
Andean Regional Programs
NDI's Andean regional programs respond to requests from political parties, elected officials and civic organizations interested in comparative regional approaches to strengthening democratic institutions and accountability to citizens through party building and political reform. NDI promotes the exchange of best practices and lessons learned from throughout the Latin American region on topics such as developing policy platforms, broadening political participation, improving constituent communication strategies, developing modern leadership practices and political and electoral transparency. In countries where NDI does not have an office, such as Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela, the Institute has provided remote technical assistance and facilitated exchanges with regional experts to work with elected officials, political parties, universities, municipal governments or civic organizations to discuss these topics.
Red Innovación
To better support political party and civil society reform networks in the region, NDI developed www.redinnovacion.org, an online platform for innovators as they work to advance democratic political institutions that are responsive to citizens, transparent in operation and effective in delivering results that matter in people’s everyday lives. The Institute promotes best practices and innovation by providing easy online access to tested tools and methodologies for democratic reforms. NDI organizes tutorials and live forums that combine virtual communities with existing physical networks of activists. The Red Innovación platform allows visitors and members to exchange ideas, materials and experiences using information communication technology and social networks widely available such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Slideshare and a virtual learning classroom.
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Political Party Network or Red Partidos
The interactive website in Spanish, www.redpartidos.org, provides easy access to NDI’s library of political party training and organizational strengthening materials as well as other documents on the topics of elections, political reform initiatives, internal democracy, transparency, political process monitoring and inclusion of underrepresented sectors. This website has proven to be a useful resource for civic and political activists interested in strengthening and reforming their organizations.
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Regional Transparency Program
Democratic governance in Latin America is negatively impacted by the prevalent perception of political corruption. In Argentina, Colombia and Paraguay, citizens rated political parties and legislatures as the first and second most corrupt institutions in their countries. This program seeks to assist legislatures and political parties in Argentina, Colombia and Paraguay to implement programs that address perceptions of corruption and lack of transparency. The program integrates legislators, political parties and civil society groups into global transparency initiatives, and strengthens relationships and collaboration between these groups domestically.