NDI E-news: Parliamentary Monitoring, Kenya, Libya | May 2012


May 2012

Monitoring Groups Agree to Work Together to Advance Parliamentary Transparency


Maria Otero

U.S. Under Secretary of State Maria Otero delivers the keynote address at

the conference. Photo by Meredith Katz

For the first time, a broad and diverse gathering of civil society representatives has established a shared commitment to advocate for strong, open parliaments that embody citizens' voices.

A conference, held April 30 - May 2, provided the opportunity for parliamentary monitoring organizations (PMOs) from 38 countries to share their experiences and good practices on a host of topics, from developing innovative technologies for monitoring parliaments to advocating for greater transparency of parliamentary information. The conference was co-hosted by the Latin American Network for Legislative Transparency, the Sunlight Foundation and NDI, with support from the Omidyar Network, the Open Society Institute, the National Endowment for Democracy and the Embassy of Mexico in the United States. The World Bank Institute co-hosted a roundtable at the World Bank at the conclusion of the conference.

  PMO representatives

Parliamentary monitoring organization representatives from Kenya, Bangladesh and Slovakia lead a panel discussion at the conference. Photo by Andrew Mandelbaum

The PMOs at the conference agreed to continue to work together in a number of concrete areas, including drafting a declaration of principles on parliamentary transparency. The document recognizes that parliamentary information belongs to the public and can be used by citizens most effectively only if it is provided within a broader culture of transparency and openness. The declaration also provides guidance on how to improve electronic, online access and analysis of parliamentary information.

U.S. Under Secretary of State Maria Otero delivered the keynote address at the conference. "Parliaments or legislatures are, in a sense, the most direct line that government has to the governed, especially when it comes to communication and to representation of the people's wants and needs," she said. "The question that brings us here tonight — and to this great conference — is how we can build on those conduits of communication — between elected officials and citizens, to increase openness, transparency and accountability in government."

Worldwide, there are more than 190 PMOs observing more than 80 national parliaments, according to a recent publication by NDI and the World Bank Institute, Strengthening Parliamentary Accountability, Citizen Engagement and Access to Information: A Global Survey of Parliamentary Monitoring Organizations.

NDI Pre-Election Delegation Finds 'Remarkable Progress' in Kenya Election Framework

Pre-election delegation  

Remarkable progress has been made in reforming the framework for Kenya's elections, an NDI pre-election delegation found earlier this month. Nevertheless, immediate and concerted efforts are needed to prevent violence and to remove uncertainties in the electoral environment. The delegation offered 44 recommendations in advance of next year's presidential election. Read more»

Kosovo Fellow to Connect Women Leaders at Local, National Levels

Syla and Albright  

As a young Kosovar Albanian in Slobodan Milosevic's Serbia, Aferdita Syla's fundamental rights were wholly denied. Today, as NDI's Andi Parhamovich fellow, she is spending three months in Washington, D.C., researching ways to get more women elected in her new country of Kosovo. Read more»

In Burkina Faso, Legislators Emphasize Mining Oversight

Legislators visit mine  

Burkina Faso has doubled gold production in recent years as a way to boost revenues. As mining becomes central to the Burkinabe economy, oversight by the nation's parliament is a crucial tool in dealing with potential labor and environmental problems. A recent mine visit by MPs was designed to prepare for those tasks. Read more»

Slovakia Elects First Roma Representative to Parliament

Peter Pollak  

Slovakia made history in April when Peter Pollak took a seat in parliament as the country's first Roma citizen elected to nationwide office. After the election, NDI sat down with him to discuss his journey to parliament. Read more»

Congolese Want Leaders to 'Reach Out To Us'

Reach Out To Us cover  

New focus group research from the Democratic Republic of Congo finds an overwhelming majority of participants believe the country can become a full-fledged democracy, provided it has better leadership and unity among the people. The research, conducted by NDI, examines perceptions of the country's most pressing economic, social and political issues. Read more»


In Libya, Focus Group Research, Citizen Election Observation and Local Elections Leading up to National Elections

Libyan youth  

As the political transition proceeds in Libya, leaders continue to struggle to meet public expectations on key issues such as security, political reform and standard of living, according to new focus research recently published by NDI. Read more»

A coalition of civil society organizations from across Libya has launched the Shahed Network for election observation, the first citizen election monitoring effort ever attempted in the country. The network plans to recruit and train observers to monitor all aspects of upcoming constituent assembly elections. Read more»

Benghazi women vote  

Libyan voters went to the polls in Benghazi May 19 to elect members of the city's local council, the first election held in the city in more than 40 years. Though NDI did not field an international observation mission, Megan Doherty, NDI resident senior program officer, was accredited to observe the vote and shared her informal observations. Read more»

Our Perspectives: Burma, Yemen, Ukraine, Entrenched Leadership in Africa

Don't miss these insights from NDI directors:

Peter Manikas, senior associate and regional director for Asia programs, draws on his two recent trips to Burma for his congressional testimony discussing ways the country will need to reform to continue its democratic momentum. Read more»

Les Campbell, director of Middle East and North Africa programs, contributed a chapter on "Yemen: The Tribal Islamists" to the new book The Islamists are Coming, which surveys the more than 50 Islamist parties from across the Arab world. Read more»

Testifying before the Helsinki Commission, Katie Fox, deputy director for Eurasia programs, urged the international community to use both words and actions to "guard against the erosion of democratic rights in Ukraine." Read more»

Christopher Fomunyoh, senior associate and regional director for Central and West Africa programs, testified before the Senate on the impact entrenched and often autocratic one-man rule is having on the political development of many African countries. Read more»


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