NYU Salon Series: A Conversation with Author Ann Mei Chang
NYU Washington, DC and the National Democratic Institute will co-sponsor an evening Salon Series conversation featuring Ann Mei Chang, Author of, LEAN IMPACT: How to Innovate for Radically Greater Social Good. Ann Mei also serves as Executive Director of LEAN IMPACT. Marty Colburn, Chief Information Officer, NDI, will introduce Ann Mei as well as Chris Doten, Chief Innovation Officer, NDI, who will join Ann Mei for the evening's discussion.Ann Mei Chang is a leading advocate for social innovation. As Chief Innovation Officer at USAID, Ann Mei served as the first Executive Director of the US Global Development Lab, engaging the best practices for innovation from Silicon Valley to accelerate the impact and scale of solutions to the world’s most intractable challenges. She was previously the Chief Innovation Officer at Mercy Corps and served the US Department of State as Senior Advisor for Women and Technology in the Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues.