Success Story
NDI's 2011 Liberian Elections Program
Liberia is preparing for the country’s second national elections since the end of the civil war in 2003. The presidential and legislative elections, scheduled for Oct. 11, will provide a critical opportunity for citizens to evaluate the performance of elected leaders and consider their alternatives. On Aug. 23, Liberians will hold a referendum on four constitutional amendments passed by the legislature last year. They are: postponing the presidential and legislative elections to the second Tuesday in November; eliminating the current system of second round elections for legislative seats; providing a lifetime appointment for Supreme Court; and shortening the residency requirement for presidential and vice presidential candidates from 10 to five years.
With funding from the United States Agency for International Development, NDI is supporting the Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC), a coalition of Liberian civic organizations that is monitoring the electoral process. The ECC is composed of numerous groups with a nationwide presence, and experience observing the 2005 general elections and subsequent bi-elections. NDI assisted the ECC with its observation of the voter registration process, which took place Jan. 10 to Feb. 13. During the first and last five days of voter registration, the ECC deployed 58 observers to six of Liberia’s 15 counties --- Montserrado, Cape Mount, Bong, Lofa, Nimba and Grand Gedeh. In its press statement, the ECC said that voter registration was generally peaceful, transparent and free of systematic violations in the centers observed. However, it cited some procedural weaknesses, most notably the low numbers of required security personnel at registration centers. The ECC’s statement included recommendations for the National Election Commission and other electoral stakeholders on how they can collaborate to strengthen the electoral process.
During the 2011 electoral cycle, NDI will also support legislative candidate debates and help a radio station organize programming surrounding the electoral process.
Pictured Above: The Election Coordination Committee conducts voter registration trainings with election observers in Liberia.
Published April 4, 2011