Success Story
Press Release Archive 2010 - 2011
NDI Deeply Troubled by Raids on NGO Offices in Egypt, December 29, 2011
First Round of Egyptian Parliamentary Elections Signify Promising Start, November 30, 2011
Tunisian Election "Extraordinary Achievement," NDI Mission Finds, October 24, 2011
Economic Issues are Foremost on the Minds of Georgians, NDI Survey Finds, October 10, 2011
Key Reforms Needed to Clean Up Afghan Elections, September 25, 2011
NDI Delegation to Assess Pre-Election Environment in Zambia, August 14, 2011
NDI Condemns Assassination Attempt on Guinean President, July 21, 2011
Regarding Misrepresentations of NDI Poll Results, April 8, 2011
NDI Survey Provides View of Political Environment in Georgia, April 6, 2011
Women in Politics Mean Tangible Gains for Democracy, March 8, 2011
NDI Adds 2010 Data to Afghanistan Elections Mapping Website, December 29, 2010
Kuchi Candidates Outline Priorities at NDI Roundtable, October 20, 2010
Southern Sudan Citizens Share Their Views on the Referendum, October 20, 2010
NDI Delegation to Assess Pre-Election Environment in Nigeria, October 8, 2010
NDI Launches Pre-Election TV Debates in Bosnia and Herzegovina, September 14, 2010
NDI to Field Afghanistan Election Observation Mission, September 2, 2010
Radio Instruction will Provide Education in Post-Earthquake Haiti, January 28, 2010