Democratic Developments in Ukraine

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

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In early May NDI released its report on a conference of Ukrainian and international leaders on Ukraine’s key priorities in 2024. The NDI-convened “Challenges and Opportunities” conference in Kyiv brought together representatives of prominent Ukrainian civil society, policy making, analytical groups and international organizations. Participants held in-depth discussions about the state of Ukrainian democracy with conversation revolving around political and media pluralism and decentralization; parliamentary, judicial, and anti-corruption reform; Euro-Atlantic integration; and postwar elections.  They identified Ukraine’s main objectives for 2024 as:

  • Searching for ways, including non-standard solutions, to guarantee Ukraine’s security;

  • Continuing judicial and anti-corruption reforms;

  • Holding a transparent selection process and appointing independent lawyers to the positions of judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine;

  • Reforming the law enforcement sector, primarily the National Police of Ukraine;

  • Broadening public involvement in the implementation of reforms and the process of rebuilding the country;

  • Implementing measures to achieve gender balance in decision-making processes;

  • Developing state policy on reintegration of veterans; and

  • Implementing recommendations contained in the European Commission’s report published on November 8, 2023.

The full report is available here.


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For media inquiries, please contact Paulina Chavez [email protected].

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