For media inquiries, please contact Paulina Chavez [email protected].
An open democratic space requires inclusive political processes supported by a free media that operates with integrity. This guide is a compilation of best practices and lessons learned and serves as a resource to help women in politics and women in the media use the media safely and effectively. It is the product of an innovative program partnership between NDI's Gender, Women and Democracy team and the International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF). The program which was implemented in Kenya, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Guatemala and Liberia sought to facilitate the creation of coalitions of women in politics and women in the media working towards safe and inclusive electoral processes.
Promoting awareness of violence against women in politics and in the media (VAW-PM) and advocating for policies to mitigate the effects of the violence they experience will positively impact a woman’s ability to participate in politics and pursue a profession in the media. It will create a more inclusive political discourse and open the space for increased political engagement from women in all their diversity and from other marginalized groups. “Fear, doubt, uncertainty, and indignation must always move us to participate and dispute spaces,” one participant in the program mentioned. “If we are not the ones who are willing to dispute the space, someone else will.”