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NDI Presents Election Observation Guide: “Process and Results Verification for Transparency”

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The National Democratic Institute (NDI) released today its newest resource “Process and Results Verification for Transparency: A Citizen Election Observer’s Guide” to support systematic election day observation. Process and Results Verification for Transparency (PRVT) is a methodology for nonpartisan citizen observers that independently verifies both election day process and results to make the election more transparent for all stakeholders.

Formerly known as PVT or quick count, the PRVT employs a data-driven, statistics-based approach, enabling citizen election observers to accurately assess the credibility of the process and whether the vote count aligns with official results. This powerful tool allows citizens to independently evaluate the electoral process and empowers them to make informed decisions about whether the results reflect the will of the people. Additionally, PRVTs bolster the capacity, credibility, and resilience of nonpartisan civil society organizations.

“This update reflects a shift in how citizen observers conduct PRVTs, while maintaining the same basic principles. Observer organizations around the world have improved the methodology to address emerging electoral challenges and leverage new opportunities,” said Richard L. Klein, NDI’s director of Global Elections. “NDI is proud to unveil this updated guide 35 years after NAMFREL pioneered independent, non-partisan election observation. It covers all aspects of PRVT background, planning and implementation, as well as best practices and case studies gathered from dozens of nonpartisan, citizen observation groups working on real-life PRVTs over 30 years”.

NDI is the leading organization supporting the development of citizen observation and building local capacity to use the PRVT and systematic election observation methodologies to promote more inclusive, transparent and accountable elections. The Institute promotes peer-to-peer mentoring and has worked with local partners to develop PRVT innovations that leverage new technologies and strategic communications, and address emerging electoral integrity challenges.

The guide is available on www.ndi.org/prvt in English, and will be available soon in Arabic, French, Russian, and Spanish.


NDI is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental organization that works in partnership around the world to strengthen and safeguard democratic institutions, processes, norms and values to secure a better quality of life for all. NDI envisions a world where democracy and freedom prevail, with dignity for all.

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