The Open Internet for Democracy Initiative Announces Global Leadership Opportunity for Internet Freedom Advocates

Monday, March 26, 2018

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Washington, D.C. — The Open Internet for Democracy Initiative (OIDI) announced a new leadership program to support open internet advocates who are organizing for change in their countries, while connecting them with new allies around the world.

Each “Open Internet Leader” will receive a $1000 honorarium at the completion of a nine-month leadership program that will empower these emerging leaders from across the globe to build their advocacy and organizing skills to protect internet freedom. Qualified applicants include English speakers who have demonstrated experience with working on open internet issues. Preference will be given to applicants from non-OECD countries who are focused on media, private sector/entrepreneurship or civic/political participation.

The Open Internet Leaders will form a unique cohort of global advocates from civic organizations, media, and the private sector who are passionate about protecting and promoting an open internet. Through advocacy, communications and thought-leadership, the Open Internet Leaders will push forward the national or regional conversation about why an open internet matters for democracy in their home countries. Their efforts will help ensure that the internet remains a safe haven for free and democratic discourse.

The leadership program will be completed remotely, with the exception of a week-long all-expense-covered “design sprint” in Washington, D.C., to help develop the Open Internet for Democracy Playbook, which will serve as a companion guide to the Democratic Principles for an Open Internet. The program will also sponsor the opportunity for the Open Internet Leaders to present their work at an international conference.

The “Open Internet for Democracy Leaders Program,” is made possible by the generous support of National Endowment for Democracy.

The deadline for submissions is April 5, 2018. Please visit our website to read more detailed information about the program and to complete the online application.


The Open Internet for Democracy Initiative (OIDI) is a collaboration between the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), the National Democratic Institute (NDI), and the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA). The initiative seeks to foster an open internet where all citizens can freely express themselves, share and debate ideas, and conduct commerce.

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