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Request for Proposal (RFP) Qualitative Research Services in Ukraine

Resource Type

This request for proposals indicates the National Democratic Institute’s (NDI) intention to contract with a research firm/consultant to help conduct up to 3 different types of qualitative research activities:

  1. Focus group discussions

  2. In-depth Interviews

  3. Deliberative Polling

Interested organizations or consultants are invited to apply for all elements together or any of these separately. NDI reserves the right to contract these elements out separately. If the daily price of the services is different for each element of this proposal, please include prices for each element separately.

Please submit proposals in English via email to Samantha Nibali at [email protected] with a copy to Jerrel Gilliam at [email protected]. The deadline for submitting proposals is March 26, 2024. For further information, please contact Jerrel Gilliam via e-mail [email protected]. For more details, please see RFP attached.

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