The State of Tunisian Democracy: Citizens express their views
In February 2018, NDI organized a set of 12 focus groups to gauge public attitudes on the performance of government and elected officials, key priorities for the country and expectations for the May local elections and ensuing decentralization process. The research marked the Institute's 19th round of focus groups since the revolution of 2011 and the eighth since 2014 elections. The report summarizes attitudes and concerns based on the responses of the 117 respondents. Overall, the findings reaffirm the continuing trend of dissatisfaction among Tunisians and their overarching concern with the economy and levels of corruption in the country. The report explores ambivalence regarding participation in the local elections and a general sense of confusion regarding what should be expected with decentralization and more responsibility for local authorities. However, many of those surveyed expressed interest in voting for parties with candidates who are younger, have helped create noticeable change and who are engaged within their municipality.