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Governance and Security in the Sahel: Tackling Mobility, Demography and Climate Change

This publication is the result of the project “Governance and Security in the Sahel: Tackling Mobility, Demography and Climate Change”, conducted by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) based in Brussels and the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) based in Rome together with the National Democratic Institute (NDI), Washington, DC and with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and of the European Parliament.

White page with lines across it that resemble text

One-Pager: Strengthening Democratic Control and Oversight of the Security Sector in the Sahel

One-pager about NDI's program to strengthen democratic control and oversight of the security sector in the Sahel

A megaphone with lines extending from its front indicating speech

Experts to Discuss Critical African Elections at NDI

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The implications for democracy of 30 African elections slated through 2016 will be discussed next week by senior Africa experts during a briefing and roundtable discussion at the National Democratic Institute (NDI).

NDI 30th Anniversary Report

In honor of its three decades supporting those who share a common desire to live in free societies that recognize basic human rights, NDI has published a 30th anniversary report highlighting its work in nearly every corner of every continent to advance the promise of democracy.

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