
A Strategy for Peace in Iraq: A Gender-Sensitive National Reconciliation Platform
A Strategy for Peace in Iraq: A Gender-Sensitive National Reconciliation Platform is a policy document presented by a group of 60 Iraqi women peace activists from the provinces of Anbar, Baghdad, Diyala, Kirkuk, Ninewa, and Salahaddin. The purpose of this document is to provide key actors in Iraq and the international community with a blueprint for building peace and promoting gender-sensitive policy priorities.

Focus Group Report: Iraqi Citizens Continue to Demand More Responsive Governance
With funding provided by the Government of Canada, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) recently conducted qualitative public opinion research in five provinces in Iraq: Anbar, Diyala, Kirkuk, Ninewa, and Salahaddin. Results show that the most pressing need among Iraqi citizens in provinces formerly occupied by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is finding job opportunities and improving their economic situation.

A Quick Guide to Constituency Outreach
Direct communication with citizens is key for elected officials to effectively represent and respond to their constituents’ needs in the legislature. This quick guide provides tips and tools to help parliamentarians enhance their constituency outreach efforts for more responsive and inclusive governance.

News from NDI: Working for Democracy in January 2019
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Focus Group Report: Opening Up New Opportunities for Women in Iraq, December 2018
A new round of focus groups primarily in Iraq’s recently liberated and disputed areas reveals how the conflict with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), along with growing public awareness of the lack of women’s equality in Iraq, has contributed to demand for more rights and freedoms for Iraqi women.