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A bar chart with two axes. There are three vertical bars. The middle bar is tallest.

NDI Poll: Improved Security Provides Opening for Cooperation in Iraq, March - April 2017

NDI's most recent national survey on Iraqi citizen attitudes reveals a renewed sense of unity and optimism as the army makes gains against ISIS. This research was conducted from March to April 2017.

Focus Group Report: A FRAGILE UNITY: After Military Gains, Iraqis Look to Leaders for a Better Future, February 2017

As the Iraqi army's offensive against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) entered its fourth month in February 2017, NDI conducted 12 focus groups with citizens to gauge support for national institutions and gather expectations about post-liberation governance. Three unexpected findings from participants in the focus groups include:

A paper with lines resembling text, a line chart, and a pie chart

NDI Poll: Iraq’s Road to Reconciliation - October 2015

NDI recently conducted 22 in-depth interviews with tribal, religious, community, and demonstration leaders in Iraq on the topic of political reconciliation, and a nation-wide public opinion survey. NDI’s research was conducted in partnership with Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and funded by the U.K. Foreign Commonwealth Office.

A bar chart with two axes. There are three vertical bars. The middle bar is tallest.

Iraq Survey: Lack of Government Responsiveness Impacts Public Mood

Iraqis grew increasingly frustrated with poor service provision and rampant corruption, according to the findings of an NDI national survey conducted from August 12 to September 3, 2015. Citizens’ concerns about the government’s perceived lack of responsiveness to the people’s needs (58 percent saw the issue as worsening) negatively impacted public attitudes about politicians and political entities.

A bar chart with two axes. There are three vertical bars. The middle bar is tallest.

Iraq Focus Group Report: Hope for New Government Hindered by Divisions - November 2014

A round of focus groups reveal deep societal tensions that hinder support for the new government, an economy that is struggling under heavy structural burdens like high taxes, and a pervasive and underlying fear of ISIS and its origins. Yet there are encouraging signs of cross-sect optimism for new leaders, and strong calls for unity.

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