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A bar chart with two axes. There are three vertical bars. The middle bar is tallest.

Iraqis Discouraged by Post‐Election Government Negotiations

In a public opinion survey of 4,000 respondents conducted by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in late June 2010, the frustration of the Iraqi people with the prolonged negotiations over the formation of a new government was evident. The poll also showed that a large majority of Iraqi citizens believed that the country was heading in the wrong direction.

A paper with lines resembling text, a line chart, and a pie chart

National Platform for Women: A Unified Vision for a New Path

The National Platform for Women is a concise and persuasive document that identifies priority issues for Iraqi women and provides sound recommendations for government policy and political party action. Written by a group of women representing Iraq’s regional, political, ethnic and religious diversity, this document includes consensus policy positions on a number of issues, including: healthcare, education, economic empowerment, and political participation.

A book with the letter I on its cover. The I is surrounded by a circle.

Political Parties and Civil Society: Working Together to Deliver Solutions to Citizen Concerns.

In 20 years of work with political parties in more than 50 countries, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) has seen that successful parties are those that are committed to best practices in outreach to new sectors, transparency, and internal democracy. Effective party engagement with civil society can strengthen all three of these areas as explored in this workbook for party activists and trainers.

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