
Poland’s Democratic Opportunity, and Consequences for Ukrainian Refugees
With an unprecedented wave of voters mobilizing for a pro-democratic, western-oriented coalition of opposition parties, Poland’s parliamentary elections on October 15, 2023 unseated the national-conservative Law and Justice (PiS) after eight years in power.

Polish and Ukrainian Attitudes on the Ukrainian Community in Poland
Between May and June 2023, NDI conducted 14 qualitative focus groups, and 700 face-to-face and 700 CATI interviews with Polish and Ukrainian residents living in seven of Poland’s largest cities, which include Białystok, Katowice, Łódź, Lublin, Rzeszów, Wrocław, Kraków. The interviews and focus groups explored attitudes toward the Ukrainian refugee population in Poland, along with how Ukrainian citizens experience the cities they live in.

Major Voter Turnout in Poland’s 2023 Parliamentary Elections
With an unprecedented wave of voters mobilizing for a pro-democratic, western-oriented coalition of opposition parties, Poland’s parliamentary elections on October 15 unseated the national-conservative Law and Justice (PiS) after eight years in power, during which democratic institutions and the rule of law were seen to have weakened, the country rallied to support Ukraine and the influx of Ukrainian refugees into Poland, and Warsaw’s relations with Germany and the European Union to

Large Cities in CEE - Communication with Citizens and Public Participation
Between April and May 2021, NDI polled citizens in cities of the four Visegrad countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. The selected cities are considered nationally significant, by the measure of population or by other characteristics, such as position as a regional capital. The questionnaire engaged citizens on how they access information about the city and their preferences for engagement.

Youth Attitudes on Politics and Democracy in Central Europe
Between June and July 2020, NDI conducted four public opinion polls of young people in cooperation with research partners based in each of the Visegrad countries. The questionnaire engaged young people on their attitudes toward relevant national issues; the priorities influencing their voting intentions; and the responsiveness of government institutions and political parties to young citizen’s priorities. NDI research found: