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Legislative Candidate Vetting Mechanisms in Latin American Political Parties

Few comparative studies exist on internal party candidate selection and vetting processes, resulting in a dearth of examples that political parties can draw from to establish and/or strengthen their internal review and selection mechanisms. This study aims to begin to fill this gap. The study provides an extensive literature review and case studies on how parties in Latin America have explored and implemented candidate vetting processes.

Crossroads of Democracy in Honduras and Central America

The book Crossroads of Democracy in Honduras and Central America seeks to contribute to the strengthening of Honduran democracy. IUDPAS-UNAH reflects on the most important long-term challenges faced in the region and of Honduras. Specifically, it outlines the political and electoral reforms necessary to achieve the participatory, inclusive and transparent democracy that citizens demand.

twitter report on online violence

Tweets That Chill: Analyzing Online Violence Against Women in Politics

In the three case study countries (Colombia, Indonesia, Kenya), NDI's Gender, Women, and Democracy team worked with women in politics, those in civic technology and women’s rights organizations to develop a way to examine the country specific challenges facing women as they engage in online political discourse.

El Blindaje de la Corrupción en Honduras: Contexto, Dimensiones, Formas y Mecanismos

To strengthen anti-corruption and anti-impunity initiatives in Honduras, NDI supported CEDOH to conduct research to identify the legal, institutional and political factors that inform the state’s response to anti-corruption initiatives, with a particular focus on the mechanisms and norms used to neutralize anti-corruption efforts. Based on this research, CEDOH published this book, which recommends measures to counter these tendencies to side-step anti-corruption efforts.

Violence Against Women Report Guatemala Cover

Violence Against Women in Politics: Study of Political Parties in Guatemala

In 2018, NDI implemented a political party assessment tool and supported the development of action plans to increase women’s participation and gender equity in political parties in Guatemala.

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