
How Citizen Organizations Can Monitor Abuse of States Resources in Elections: An NDI Guidance Document
Political corruption and the abuse of state resources can undermine the core principles of electoral integrity, subverting equal electoral competition and the will of voters. Through systematic monitoring of the abuse of state resources, citizen monitors can promote accountability for such abuses and seek to prevent them altogether.

Le Réseau des Femmes Émergentes en Politique Formulaire de Candidature 2022 - Côte d’Ivoire
Information importante: Vous pouvez renseigner ce formulaire en ligne et/ou de façon manuscrite et le soumettre au bureau NDI de votre pays. Vous pouvez également envoyer une copie scanné du formulaire finalisé au bureau NDI de votre pays, ou le soumettre via Google form en utilisant ce lien ci-dessous:

Win With Integrity: Earning Citizen Trust in Political Parties
Political parties should play key roles in democratic governance by representing citizens and aggregating their concerns into policy, and by vetting, selecting and influencing political leaders. However, corruption, state capture, populism and opaque party organizations undermine public confidence in parties around the world, fueling political instability.