
Lobbying Parliament: A Guide for NGO's
NGOs can play an important role in the democratic process and make citizen’s concerns heard by lobbying parliament. This guide outlines the various types of lobbying and provides an introduction to effective approaches and tactics for lobbying parliament.
محاولة الضغط على البرلمان: دليل المنظمات غير الحكومية
الناشر: منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.

Coalitions: A Guide for Political Parties
In partnership with the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights, NDI has developed a guide to best practices in coalition-building. The publication outlines tips and practical advice for political party officials as they negotiate and work in different types of coalitions.

The Quick Count and Election Observation: An NDI Guide for Civic Organizations and Political Parties
This handbook to conducting a Quick Count (also known as Parallel Vote Tabulation, or PVT) addresses the importance of developing systematic observation of vital election day processes, including the quality of voting, ballot counting and tabulation of election results, as well as the projection of electoral results with extremely narrow margins of error and high degrees of statistical confidence. It covers:
Planning and organizational issues;