
Interventions to End Online Violence Against Women in Politics
Online violence against women in politics (OVAW-P) poses a deepening challenge to democracy, serving as a key tool of illiberalism and democratic backsliding across the globe.

Cybersecurity Handbook for Political Parties
The Handbook is an open-source resource designed to help political parties develop an understandable and implementable cybersecurity plan. It includes explanations of key security topics that parties and their staff should be aware of, essential strategies and recommended tools to limit risk, and tips and links to additional resources that can help a party implement such recommendations.

Cybersecurity Handbook for Civil Society Organizations
The Handbook is an open-source resource designed to help civil society organizations develop an understandable and implementable cybersecurity plan. It includes explanations of key security topics that organizations and their staff should be aware of, essential strategies and recommended tools to limit risk, and tips and links to additional resources that can help an organization implement such recommendations.

Taking the Wheel and Piloting Change: A Framework for Party Reformers
This toolkit is designed to aid visionary, ambitious party members who are on the peripheries of power, but eager to plan and implement internal reforms aimed at improving a party’s internal democracy and electoral appeal. Taking the Wheel seeks to equip party change agents with a roadmap for the implementation strategies and soft skills needed to navigate the arduous party reform process.

Building a More Reponsive Democracy: Citizens of Mozambique Express Their Views
Mozambicans want to have a say in their government’s pending overhaul of the electoral and governing systems, according to NDI’s new public opinion study, Building a More Representative Democracy.