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Quick Guide to Constituency Outreach Cover

A Quick Guide to Constituency Outreach

Direct communication with citizens is key for elected officials to effectively represent and respond to their constituents’ needs in the legislature. This quick guide provides tips and tools to help parliamentarians enhance their constituency outreach efforts for more responsive and inclusive governance.

A bar chart with two axes. There are three vertical bars. The middle bar is tallest.

NDI Poll: Iraqis Call on the New Government for Jobs, Services, and Reconstruction, August - October 2018

The UK Conflict Stability and Security Fund in Iraq is funding the National Democratic Institute (NDI) to conduct independent public opinion research across Iraq. The three-year project aims to help the Government of Iraq, civil society and the international community to monitor and understand conditions in Iraq, and to better understand and respond to the needs of citizens as they evolve over the longer term.

A bar chart with two axes. There are three vertical bars. The middle bar is tallest.

NDI Poll: Parliamentary Elections: A New Turning Point for Iraq, February - April 2018

With funding from the UK Conflict, Stability and Security Fund, NDI fielded a national public opinion poll in Iraq from February to April 2018. The results show that Iraqi men and women are refocusing on economic challenges of unemployment and corruption. Iraqis are positive about their future. Sectarianism is losing its public appeal with results showing that most Iraqis are willing to compromise for the unity of the country.

A paper with lines resembling text, a line chart, and a pie chart

National Platform for Women: A Unified Vision for a New Path

The National Platform for Women is a concise and persuasive document that identifies priority issues for Iraqi women and provides sound recommendations for government policy and political party action. Written by a group of women representing Iraq’s regional, political, ethnic and religious diversity, this document includes consensus policy positions on a number of issues, including: healthcare, education, economic empowerment, and political participation.

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