
Tweets That Chill: Analyzing Online Violence Against Women in Politics
In the three case study countries (Colombia, Indonesia, Kenya), NDI's Gender, Women, and Democracy team worked with women in politics, those in civic technology and women’s rights organizations to develop a way to examine the country specific challenges facing women as they engage in online political discourse.

Political Parties and Democracy in Theoretical and Practical Perspectives: Parliamentary Groups
This paper discusses the various models of representation that elected officials use in the legislature and how these models can affect the relationship between them and their parties. It also addresses the rules and structures that affect party behavior and the relationships between parties, their parliamentary representatives and parliament.

EITI Guide for Legislators: How to Support and Strengthen Resource Transparency
Legislatures have a critical role to play in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). This guide provides legislators with information about the EITI process and offers practical suggestions for them to encourage the government to participate and ensure that the EITI program is successful. It is designed primarily for legislators and their staff, but political leaders, government officials, civil society organizations and international actors may also find it helpful.

Constituent Relations Manual: A Guide to Best Practices
NDI has created a guide for elected representatives seeking to effectively organize and carry out constituent relations. The guide offers practical approaches and advice gained from the working experiences of legislators around the world.
نسج العلاقات مع الناخبين
الناشر: دليل الممارسات الفضلى - منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.