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Visual History: 25 Years of NDI in Kosovo

NDI’s work in Kosovo over the last quarter century is driven by the belief that a resilient democracy that delivers for all its citizens. This booklet stands as a visual testament to the milestones we’ve achieved, the challenges we've confronted, and the unwavering dedication of our extraordinary team and partners in fostering democracy in Kosovo.

A paper with lines resembling text, a line chart, and a pie chart

NDI 2024 Survey: Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men in Ukrainian Society

The nationwide telephone survey, titled “Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men in Ukrainian Society,” was conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) at the request of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in cooperation with the Office of the Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro Atlantic Integration and the Apparatus of the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy, and with the support of Sweden.

Using Evidence-based Communications to Tackle Corruption

Anti-corruption communications can backfire if poorly designed. NDI has developed new resources that delve into anti-corruption communications research and provide insights for more effective messaging through tailoring, targeting and testing.

A paper with lines resembling text, a line chart, and a pie chart

Strengthening Democratic Resilience To Kremlin Influence Across Africa

The Russian government has stated that Africa is integral to its foreign policy, and current trends point to expanded Russian engagement to offset sanctions and enhance its global profile. The Kremlin gains influence through governance gaps – especially corruption and insecurity – in various countries on the continent, working with domestic elites for mutual gain.

Democratic Developments in Ukraine

In early May NDI released its report on a conference of Ukrainian and international leaders on Ukraine’s key priorities in 2024. The NDI-convened “Challenges and Opportunities” conference in Kyiv brought together representatives of prominent Ukrainian civil society, policy making, analytical groups and international organizations.

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