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Process and Results Verification for Transparency (PRVT) Guide

Process and Results Verification for Transparency (PRVT) is an election day observation methodology that allows nonpartisan citizen organizations to systematically assess the quality of opening, voting, closing, and counting – as well as official results and, indirectly, the tabulation process – at a national scale and independently verify official results.

Assessing the Corruption Risks of Proposed Laws: A Parliamentary Corruption-Proofing Guide

Parliaments play an essential role in preventing corruption, including through a sound legislative process and rigorous legal drafting. The risk of corruption increases when the legislative process is opaque or the resulting laws include imprecise definitions, weak enforcement powers, ambiguous accountabilities, or excessive exemptions. There is also the possibility that the law itself was written with corrupt intent or to benefit a select group or harm others.

A book with the letter I on its cover. The I is surrounded by a circle.

Giving Evidence To Select Committees Of The Dewan Rakyat: Guidelines For Public Officers

This guideline was produced by the National Democratic Institute and the Parliament of Malaysia in collaboration with the Attorney General's Chambers Malaysia, the Public Service Department, the Malaysia Office of the Chief Government Security Officer, and the Legal Affairs Division, Prime Minister’s Department of Malaysia.

Digital Responses to Crises: An Action Plan for Platforms and CSOs Confronting Online Threats

Swift access to trustworthy information is critical for first responders, governments, and the general public during crises and other critical democratic moments. However, crises often present unique and heightened risks to the information space.

A Guide for Citizens: What Should We Know About the Municipal Budget?

One of the main challenges facing Georgian municipalities is ensuring that citizens exercise their right to contribute to the development of their community through the municipal budget development process. Municipal budgets are one of the most critical pieces of policy documentation at the local level, outlining the infrastructural, social, economic and cultural priorities of the municipal government.

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