
Russia’s Influence In Africa: Scenarios To Inform Greater Democratic Resilience
Since 2014, Russia’s engagement with Africa has increased significantly and includes activities in the information space, illicit political financing, the security sector and extractive industries that threaten democracy on the continent. This report outlines four scenarios for how Russia’s involvement in Africa may change from 2023 to 2025 as a result of the costly war on Ukraine.

Youth Advocates in Solomon Islands Demand Improvement of Environmental Issues
Solomon Islands, like other Pacific Island countries, is bearing the brunt of climate change, which has been accelerated by the exploitation of natural resources.

The Role of Anti-Corruption Communications in Sustaining Integrity Reforms
Designing effective anti-corruption communication campaigns is essential to earn and maintain popular support for government integrity reforms. Communicating progress and achievements can help bolster the legitimacy of the government, mobilize the public behind reform measures and generate support for enforcement efforts against politicians or other entrenched elites who might otherwise seek to undermine anti-corruption initiatives.

Developing A Decision Maker Engagement Plan
Organizations and activists can inform and shape decisions around policy, budget and draft legislation by engaging with government officials and lawmakers at all levels. By providing decision makers with expert knowledge of their area of practice, organizations and activists can provide critical information that would not otherwise be brought to the government’s attention about how certain policies, procedures and laws operate on the ground and affect the communities they represent.

Nepal Policy Review Seven - Dalit Political Representation
Within Nepal’s nascent federal system, introduced in 2015, it has become increasingly vital to inform policymakers at all levels of government about critical and developing issues. As such, NDI, with support from USAID, developed the Policy Review journal to communicate policy analysis and information on a range of issues to partners and stakeholders involved in policy making, as well as to citizens at large.