
Lebanon May 2022 Parliamentary Elections International Election Observation Study Mission Final Report
In May, 49.2 percent of Lebanese voters, in Lebanon and outside the country, went to the polls to elect a new parliament. The months preceding the elections were marked by uncertainty, with domestic and international observers unsure if elections would take place on time or at all. The lack of commitment from the government to implement elections resulted in delayed preparations for elections and inequalities among candidates.

Strategic planning in political parties - Innovative Methodologies and Experiences for the Inclusion of Party Members in Decision-Making
Political parties today are challenged to engage in democratic and inclusive decision making within their structures to strengthen their legitimacy and the confidence of their members and citizens in parties.

Nepal Policy Review Six - LGBTQI+ Rights
With support from USAID, NDI developed the Policy Review journal to both aid Nepali partners and stakeholders in developing sound policy, and keep the Nepali public well informed on pertinent issues. Contributors to the Policy Review include individuals from academia, the media and civil society, each covering a wide range of topics from federalism to women’s representation.

Influencing the Internet: Democratizing the Politics that Shape Internet Governance Norms and Standards
Internet governance refers to the processes to make decisions about how the internet is managed locally, nationally, regionally and internationally. This sociotechnical infrastructure (which includes the people, practices, standards and institutions that govern different components of the internet) has evolved in a way that is often indifferent to questions of human rights, justice and democracy.

Parliamentary Business and Agenda-Setting in Various Countries
Parliamentary Business and Agenda-Setting in Various Countries