
Request for Proposals (RFP) - Public Opinion Research in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2025 - 2026
NDI seeks to contract a public opinion research firm to conduct multiple rounds of quantitative and qualitative research in the period from January 2025 - December 2026. The Institute’s team and external experts hired by NDI will support the selected firm in the research design. During that process the precise objectives, timeline, sample size, and scope of the research will be discussed and finalized with the successful bidder, based on program needs and requirements.

As Costs of War Mount, Ukrainian Demands for Inclusive Democracy Remain Strong
National Democratic Institute (NDI) recently conducted meetings with political, civic and other partners to share its May 2024 public opinion poll, fielded in May. Since 2015, the NDI has conducted nationwide polling to assess Ukrainian public opinion on a range of topics related to its democratic trajectory, the geopolitical climate, and Ukrainians’ hopes for the future.

Summary of NDI Public Opinion Research on Key Topics 2016-2024
Since Ukraine’s 2014 Revolution of Dignity, NDI has conducted semiannual public opinion polling in Ukraine. These polls have provided a treasure trove of data related to Ukrainians’ perceptions of democratic change. To mark the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, NDI has compiled a retrospective analysis of how views changed over the past eight years.

Opportunities and Challenges Facing Ukraine’s Democratic Transition
The most current polling NDI conducted in Ukraine provides new insights into the current mood of Ukrainian societies. It shows that the war is taking a heavy toll on Ukraine and its people. Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion, Ukrainians have become more realistic but by no means less defiant. They are more committed than ever to building a functioning democracy and to joining NATO and the European Union.
The poll was conducted nationwide from November 14-22.

Polish and Ukrainian Attitudes on the Ukrainian Community in Poland
Between May and June 2023, NDI conducted 14 qualitative focus groups, and 700 face-to-face and 700 CATI interviews with Polish and Ukrainian residents living in seven of Poland’s largest cities, which include Białystok, Katowice, Łódź, Lublin, Rzeszów, Wrocław, Kraków. The interviews and focus groups explored attitudes toward the Ukrainian refugee population in Poland, along with how Ukrainian citizens experience the cities they live in.