
US support for democracy will smash the new rise of authoritarianism
New Op-Ed from NDI Chair Tom Daschle and IRI Chair Senator Dan Sullivan

In Nepal, Post-Election Politicking Takes Precedence Over Governance
In an article written for the U.S. Institute of Peace, NDI Senior Country Director for Nepal Deborah Healy and Program Director for Asia-Pacific Sneha Moktan cover how the latest bout of coalition politics in Nepal glosses over the country’s troubling drift away from democratic principles and toward further political instability.

The ground game: Supporting democracy must be part of America’s global strategy
On International Democracy Day (September 15), NDI President Derek Mitchell published a piece in The Hill making the case for democracy support as essential to U.S. global strategy, and calling for the U.S.

Three essential initiatives to defend democracy against corruption
By Kristen Sample Director, Democratic Governance, National Democratic Institute (NDI)
The expression “all politics is local,” meaning that a politician’s success hinges on his or her ability to understand and influence the issues of constituents, held true for generations. In today’s world, however, the increasingly globalized nature of corruption subverts local democratic politics and processes.

Ukraine shows when democracies unite, it’s a game-changer
By Birgitta Ohlsson, Director Political Parties, National Democratic Institute (NDI)