
NDI Presents Preliminary Statement on Georgian Elections and Finds Pre-Election Period Flawed
The delegation calls on the Government to Embrace Political Pluralism
TBILISI- The National Democratic Institute (NDI) international election observation mission (IEOM) deployed to the October 26 parliamentary elections in Georgia presented its preliminary findings and recommendations today.

NDI International Election Observer Mission Presents Initial Findings and Recommendations Following the Elections in Moldova
CHISINAU - The National Democratic Institute’s international election observation mission (IEOM) in Moldova presented its initial findings and recommendations after the October 20 presidential election and constitutional referendum.

NDI Concludes Pre-Election Assessment Mission and Presents Recommendations Ahead of Moldova’s 2024 Presidential Elections and Referendum on European Integration
Chisinau, Moldova - The National Democratic Institute (NDI) deployed its Pre-Election Assessment Mission (PEAM) to Moldova from September 2 to 6, 2024 in advance of the presidential election and a constitutional referendum on European integration to be held on October 20, 2024. The delegation presented its findings and recommendations today.

NDI/IRI Technical Assessment Mission Releases Final Report on the 2024 Bangladesh Elections
Washington, D.C.- The joint National Democratic Institute (NDI) and International Republican Institute (IRI) Technical Assessment Mission (TAM) deployed to Bangladesh to monitor potential electoral violence conditions before, during, and after the country’s January 7, 2024 parliamentary elections released its final report today.