Search results for: aFRICA
NAIROBI, KENYA -- The National Democratic Institute's (NDI) international election delegation to Kenya's August 8 general elections released a preliminary election statement assessing the credibility of the election. The delegation found that the people of Kenya made their voices heard in a peaceful fashion through credible election processes.
In the northern Ivoirian city of Korhogo, dozens of Christian and Muslim religious leaders from cities along the border between Burkina Faso, Mali, and Côte d’Ivoire put pen to paper on July 22, 2023, to sign a pact promising collaboration, friendship and fraternity.
“No matter what obstacle you face, you push.” - Honorable Neema Lugangira, Member of Parliament (MP) and Chair of the Women in Politics Parliamentary Group, United Republic of Tanzania
With municipal and regional council elections approaching on September 2, 2023, tensions in a number of Ivoirian cities were escalating. The country had seen a recurrence of election-related violence, including following the 2020 elections in which President Alassane Ouattara stood for and won a controversial third term as president under the Rally of Houphouëtists for Democracy and Peace (Rassemblement des houphouëtistes pour la démocratie et la paix, RHDP) party banner.
When Asaad (name changed to protect identity) heard that he was invited to a Madania (civilian-led) forum with other citizens in his town, Kassala, Sudan, he had to stop and think carefully about whether it would be wise to attend. Kassala, the capital of the state and a border trade hub known for its views of the Taka Mountains, was filled with intergroup tension. To Asaad, attending a forum with members of other ethnic groups sounded dangerous.
Episode 7: Bi-Khim Hsiao interviews Fauziya Abdi Ali
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