Search results for: Ukraine

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) has released its latest wave of national survey results in Ukraine. The most recent round of research, completed in December 2019, shows an optimistic and hopeful Ukraine with citizens expressing a clear desire to engage in politics. Across the country, and in every demographic group, Ukrainians continue to be united in the importance of Ukraine becoming a fully functioning democracy, with 81 percent of respondents sharing that view.

NDI’s latest nationwide survey, completed in September 2019 following July parliamentary elections, shows that optimism and expectations, already high in May,  have continued to rise. This trend continues to define the post-election environment. The biggest changes in attitudes have taken place in the west of the country, which is now the most optimistic region.

As voters around the world continue to get more information through digital platforms, political campaigns are moving increasingly online. Many social media platforms allow campaigns and advertisers to micro-target audiences at scale and with unprecedented specificity. That ability to target audiences can make or break a campaign. However online political ads are less transparent and more difficult to monitor than traditional media advertising.


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