Social and Behavior Change (SBC) interventions directly confront attitudes and beliefs and help shape social norms that can enhance young people’s participation in public life. For example, programs targeting the behavior of community members who influence youth actions can shift social norms to ensure more inclusive and equitable youth participation and leadership opportunities. A number of actors exert influence over a young person’s life choices, whether negatively or positively, intentionally or unintentionally.

Under the USAID Global Elections and Political Transitions (GEPT) award, CEPPS kicked off the Youth DRG CSI with a launch event bringing together practitioners, donors, and young leaders from across the world. This initiative is a forum and learning community for youth development practitioners to explore challenges and opportunities that foster meaningful political participation and leadership by young people. 

April 15, 2020
February 27, 2020

In more than 70 countries around the world, including Georgia, the National Democratic Institute works with a wide range of partners to support democratic processes. NDI does not choose sides or support particular outcomes.

NDI is implementing a program initative to identify opportunities for engagement and collaboration between youth-led organizations and political parties. As part of the initiative, NDI hosted a roundtable discussion of twenty experts in the youth and democracy development space in order to brainstorm potential solutions for bridging the divide between youth and parties. This resource is a public summary of the discussion's contents and the resulting recommendations for development practitioners.

November 27, 2019


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