On June 14, 2018, NDI President Kenneth Wollack testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. The hearing discussed support for democracy and human rights as an important American value and a core tenant of U.S. foreign policy. The hearing also discussed democratic backsliding and other challenges to the spread and consolidation of democracy.

NDI Ukraine's latest nationwide survey (completed in December 2017) showed several important trends, including growing support for gender equality in political life. For the first time, more than half of Ukrainians (52 percent) support the equal participation of men and women – or more women than men – in political life.

November 24, 2017

Civic Update

To steadily improve program approaches and ensure responsiveness to the needs, interests and expectations of local partners, NDI is dedicated to learning about what works when helping citizens participate in different forms of organized political action. NDI’s programs support citizen actions that can include everything from the individual act of voting to the collective act of social-movement building, and they take place across of range of political contexts.

Several important social trends have been observed in NDI Ukraine's latest nationwide survey, completed in July 2017. These trends include growing support for gender equality in political life, rising demand for a more modern, service-based relationship between government and society, and increased willingness to participate in elections and civic activities.

Democracy, as an ideal of political organization and as a form of coexistence, has historically signaled a demand for greater equality and representation. The contemporary debate on democracy focuses on the capacity or inability of the political system to manage and represent the interests and needs of the population, considering its diversity, as well as the capacity to neutralize the historical structural expressions of inequality and discrimination towards broad sectors of the population.

This report puts forth policy recommendations addressing pressing concerns of Iraqi citizens: agriculture, school dropout, primary school curriculum, fundamentalism, corruption, and unemployment. It was developed by NDI-supported multi-party policy working groups comprised of women, youth, and minority representatives from across Iraq's political landscape. Throughout 2016-2017, the groups analyzed six issues that often go unanswered and specifically affect underrepresented communities, such as youth, women, minorities, and internally displaced persons. The policy groups consulted with over 2,250 stakeholders, citizens and experts on feasible solutions and, as a result, developed 25 long-term and 34 short-term recommendations targeted to various institutions. The policy working group members continue to bring their proposed solutions to public debate and influence the policy agendas of the Iraqi decision-makers.

July 20, 2017

Civic Forum

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