December 10, 2020

The purpose of this request for proposal (RFP) is to identify a vendor or vendors who can dedicate an average of 15-20 hours per month for 24 months to increase the functionality, security, and scope of Aegir, the scalable Drupal management and deployment system, for the National Democratic Institute (NDI).

Responses Due: November 10, 2022 by 6:00 pm ET

Vendors may email questions and responses to the following contact:

May 28, 2020

Moira Whelan

Moira Whelan is the director of the Democracy and Technology team at the National Democratic Institute. She brings a wealth of experience to the Institute bridging the gaps between technology, policy, and democracy and is a regular contributor to the global conversation around strengthening the information integrity space and fostering a digital ecosystem that supports democracy worldwide.

April 30, 2019

As part of a global NDI effort to promote information integrity, NDI developed an awareness-raising resource for distribution to NDI staff and local partners. As we know, disinformation is a growing and critical threat to democracy worldwide. Disinformation is spreading more rapidly and widely, and is being used to distort political discourse, spread cynicism, and distrust in governing institutions, and interfere with citizens’ abilities to make informed political decisions. 


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