Patrick Merloe is a strategic advisor to NDI. From 1993 to 2022 he served as NDI’s senior associate and director of electoral programs. Pat has over 40 years of experience in promoting citizen empowerment, governmental accountability and public policy advocacy. He has participated in over 190 international missions for NDI to more than 65 countries, concerning political rights, electoral integrity and democratic development.

From May 25 to June 17, 2016, the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS) deployed an assessment team to Kinshasa to examine voter registration and election preparations. This report includes the findings of the assessment team and provides a technical analysis of the voter registration and election preparations corresponding to the time period when the team was on the ground. The ultimate goal of this assessment is to promote informed and inclusive discussion regarding election planning and timelines among electoral stakeholders. 

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) is inviting Nigerian qualified Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to submit applications for funding under the Nigeria EECSP program to observe Ondo state November 26, 2016 gubernatorial election using sampling based election observation methodology.
NDI Program Goal: 
Develop the capacity of Nigerian civil society organizations to participate fully in the electoral process through more evidence based observation using statistical principles and information/communication technologies.

July 13, 2016


NDI’s approach to election-related programming seeks to maximize the opportunities presented by elections to help advance democratic progress. NDI programs promote the integrity of electoral and political processes based on international standards and the practicalities of mobilizing citizen participation. NDI’s election-related activities are tailored to the broader political process in each country to promote citizen action as electors and as electoral candidates to achieve democratic governance, mitigate potentials for political violence, and improve the lives of people.

TBILISI – The National Democratic Institute (NDI) announced today that it will conduct a pre-election assessment mission focused on Georgia's parliamentary election scheduled for October 8. The mission is a demonstration of the international community’s continuing support for democratic processes in Georgia and is intended to help promote public confidence in the electoral process.


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