Study on women’s political participation: Women’s political participation is critical to ensuring that a democracy is representative and inclusive, yet the full participation of women in Guatemalan politics remains a challenge. To better understand women’s participation and the barriers they face to enter politics, NDI supported the development of a study on women in elected and nominated political positions in 2016.

November 21, 2016
November 17, 2016

In an effort to ensure gender equality in development and that women's and girls needs are mainstreamed and deliberately focused on by local governments, NGO Gender Coordination Network (NGOGCN) developed a scorecard to determine whether select district councils respond to needs of women and girls in their District Development Plans, budgets and in Area Development Committee (ADC) structures.

Polls show that Georgians would like to see more women in their parliament. Currently, women make up 12 percent of the Georgian legislature, behind the average of 25.8 percent for European countries and placing Georgia at 147 of 194 countries worldwide in women’s political representation. The infographic analysis reveals current numbers on women's participation as candidates in Georgia's October 8 parliamentary elections in Georgia.

December 7, 2016
October 3, 2015


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